舊 2010-04-23, 10:03 AM
best-url 的頭像
best-url best-url 目前離線
註冊日期: 2003-08-11
住址: IDN Club
文章: 9,925
發送 MSN 消息給 best-url

請教懂主機的版友 -

我做完這個域名的 DNS 設定之後 30 多小時
仍未生效 (我將 name server 設定到我架設 minisite 的主機; 但是 網頁始終保持在兩年前所設定的 parking 網頁)? 經我向 name.com 查詢, 他們回應 -

Got it! The name servers have been properly added to 华语.cn. It
appears that your web hosting provider may have incorrect "Host
Records" (A Records) configured for your account with them. Host
Records map your domain name (华语.cn and xn--xkrq13k.cn) to your web
site on a particular web server. Unfortunately the name servers are
not recognizing queries for your domain. Once resolved with the host
of the name servers, your domain should properly display.
到底是甚麼意思, 我該怎麼做 才能讓指向 minisite 的 name server 生效呢?

先說謝謝嘍 ~