主題: 技術.com
舊 2005-01-15, 05:57 AM
Bramiozo Bramiozo 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-11-01
文章: 40
發送 MSN 消息給 Bramiozo

I have doubts about that since it is trademarked as Tom Online an I am not sure to what extent Tom is actually trademarked and can be trademarked since there are a lot of asian ""tom"".ext sites out there.
Off course if it would be trademarked as Tom.com, it does not mean it's translations are also trademarked.

But you are right that I should be cautious, I'll let this auction pass and do some research. Shall I indirectly ask tom.com what my rights are ?

p.s. when I said that I contacted tom.com, I was about to send it, thought prevailed though.
Bram, 對所有人說你好