舊 2006-02-15, 12:17 AM
.net .net 目前離線
註冊日期: 2004-01-21
文章: 674
微笑 .mobi is coming!

From Encirca.biz

.mobi Timeline

- Limited Industry Sunrise - May 22nd to May 29th
- Trademark Sunrise - June 12th to August 21st

General Registration
- Landrush - August 28th to September 10th
- Ongoing - from September 14th

Sunrise Registrations
The Sunrise Registration is an opportunity for trademark holders to register their trademarks as dotmobi names. This is divided into two time periods:

Limited Industry Sunrise
On Monday May 22nd the mobile industry will have an opportunity to register their Trademark names as dotmobi domain names. The mobile industry will be defined by mTLD and will consist of companies that are members of mobile industry organisations such as GSMA, CTIA and MMA. This Limited Industry Sunrise will continue until Monday May 29th.

Trademark Sunrise
Monday June 12th is the start of the Trademark Sunrise when all other trademark holders can register their trademark as dotmobi domain names. Trademark Sunrise will continue until Monday August 21st, a period of 70 days.

Trademark owners will have to provide the following information when registering their names during the Sunrise Registration Period
- Trademark name (must be three or more ASCII characters)
- Trademark identification number
- Date of Trademark application (this date must be before July 11th 2005)
- Date of granting of trademark
- Country of trademark registration
- Domain names can be composed of ASCII characters identical to the textual or word elements of the mark only. Full details are available in the Sunrise FAQ.

Sunrise registrations are only accepted for a minimum term of two years up to a maximum of ten.

mTLD will process requests for Sunrise using a first-come, first-served basis.

General Registrations
Beginning on August 28th dotmobi registration is open to everyone. This is known as General Registration which continues indefinitely. General Registration commences with a short two week registration period known as Landrush when desirable dotmobi domain names may be registered at a premium price.