舊 2003-11-14, 03:01 PM
jimhuang jimhuang 目前離線
註冊日期: 2003-10-23
文章: 67
預設 小心! 有人冒充 PayPal 發email 詐欺

寄件者: PayPal.com
主旨: Your PayPal.com account expires
Dear PayPal member,

PayPal would like to inform you about some important information regarding your PayPal account. This account, which is associated with this email address will be expiring within five business days. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause, but this is occurring because all of our customers are required to update their account settings with their personal information.

We are taking these actions because we are implementing a new security policy on our website to insure everyone's absolute privacy. To avoid any interruption in PayPal services then you will need to run the application that we have sent with this email (see attachment) and follow the instructions. Please do not send your personal information through email, as it will not be as secure.

IMPORTANT! If you do not update your information with our secure application within the next five business days then we will be forced to deactivate your account and you will not be able to use your PayPal account any longer. It is strongly recommended that you take a few minutes out of your busy day and complete this now.

DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE VIA EMAIL! This mail is sent by an automated message system and the reply will not be received.

Thank you for using PayPal.

為了確保個人絕對的隱私 您必需更新個人資料否則您的PayPal帳號將在五個營業日內失效. 信中夾帶一個附檔(更新個人資料的申請表)

(1) 此信寄到我的PayPal帳號下(可以設6個email)的另一個次email
(2) PayPal已往的email上一再提醒用戶不會用Email要客戶資料
所有的資料更新只能進到 https://www.paypal.com (注意是https) 早Log in 到自己的帳號更新
(3) 此封信為純文字格式 (非Paypal常用的 html格式)

請有PayPal 帳號的網友小心