I think you must read something wrong about enom's reseller policy, there is no way that API is free, the free one should be RegistryRocket which offers you a simple frontpage with some forms. You may see a sample at http://www.dreamname.com/main.htm. |
The webpage you mentioned is a sample of RegistryRocket, I know it's free. I cannot verify the API is free or not on eNom's reseller webpages. However, two guys at DNF have told me that the API's free. Are you interesting in doing it? |
I have not been into its details too much, however, I read some words of API on enom's website "API, download the necessary software, and sign-up for a test account. "
^^^^^^^^ Since it is a test account, chances are there must be an official and pay for account, am I right? ? And I am not interested in API now, maybe later will be if I could make some serious money ? |
I'm not sure. However, the people in DNF says it's free. :P I want to try to combine DN registration with my PTEZ.com, just like you, not trying to make big money, for fun mostly. However, because of the eNom limitation, I cannot get the low price for reseller account. I'm registering my account in some really cheap place.... m... much cheaper than eNom's limitiation. So if I cannot get the price cheap, I won't consider it. That's my first problem. The second problem is, although I may resell it, however, I dont expect to make money on it. So i don't want to spend money to buy the PDQ. That's why I want to dig into the API, since it's free. I know you're a domain guru, and just curious maybe you want to do it with me. Just an idea. |
Do the API things. Just find this website: http://www.dramsystem.com/ Price: DRAMS License :: $60 DRAMS Lite License :: $30 Somebody really do business on this~~~ :P You can check it out. |
不知這有多少 Enom 的經銷商??
我用 PDQ 已經一段時間, 也用 API. 我只是想說~ API 是 Enom Reseller 可用的一項功能~ 不用多付錢啦~ ? |
可以分享一下你的PDQ 和API網址嘛?
能否把你的網站告訴我們去參觀一下 ? |
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