各種 Forums 比較
小弟我架設過不下十種 Forums
不過到最後 我只選擇 IBF (Invision Board0 & PhpBB 兩者各有優缺 拿以抉擇 想拋磚引玉一下 聽聽大家的意見: ----- I somehow believe PhpBB is more popular than IBF. However, they both have pros and cons. For PhpBB: Pro: Lot of stlyes to choose. (that's the best, than users don't have to spend much time to design it) Stronge community. Lots of people using it, and can easily get help. Cons: No sub-category Default release doesn't support file uploading. Default smiley are somehow ugly, not easily to find patch. For IBF: Pro: Support sub-category. Support file-upload. Smiley is cool. Can modify posts easily. Cons: Very hard to find suitable styles. ------------- Personally, I like IBF. However, if friends are asking me to help them install forums, I'll choose PhpBB. Because of the style thing.... How do you guys feel? |
我用過ikonboard, php_bb & vBulletin,目前覺得php_bb最好,其一是免費,其二是功能不輸給vBulletin,其三是可使用的套件和樣式眾多。
而且最重要的是,安裝太方便了,連我這樣的大外行都會裝而且還可以改來改去的 ? |
A very bad shortage of PhpBB is: You cannot search the posts which is posted today, from yesterday, or from a week. IBF provides this function as default. That's VERY useful. I believe the 5 newest posts on the main page is a hack you installed. However, it cannot show the complete posts that's posted today. |
就如同luis 所說的 國內沒有一個專業的網址交易的地方 我在想或許我可以來做 大家有沒有什麼建議?? 我想最好就用現成的來套 像是 phpnuke, xoops... 哪一個會是比較適合的呢? |
phpnuke or xoops都不錯,中文介面是一定需要的。
不過國內的網址交易市場如今趨近於0 ,很可能屆時又是我們這幾個人上去談話聊天的地方,如果是這樣,那我這裡就夠了。 其實看看本站也有一個網名交易板,別說買賣了,連上去貼文章的也都固定那麼幾位,再看看國內的yahoo和ebay拍賣,賣的網址也是固定那一些,而且似乎從未有成交過。yahoo更萎縮到只剩「幾個」網址不死心地掛在那兒。 所以我覺得目前沒有必要成立專站啦。 一點意見。 ? |
我同意哈拉兄的會 要交易這裡就可以做到了 不過好像來這邊的都是收藏家 而不是買主 另外我覺得 用 Forum 來作交易網站並不是很好的選擇耶 應為沒辦法很清楚的要交易的內容在首頁就秀出來~~~ |
理由 1. 台灣人太會精打細算 2. 台灣現在經濟不景氣 3. 網蟑- 別傻了-別被抓去關 4. 搶註網址-想賣好價錢.有網域糾紛處理辦法. 可以只要花個四萬元申訴一下就要回 5. 好網址拿來拍賣- 剛好沒賣掉就被要走 ......... |
最近就在尋3C字串的網域..^^ Forum 來作交易網站我也覺得不怎麼好耶.. 覺得會變的很亂..無法一次就讓人家明瞭 |