舊 2002-11-05, 02:23 AM
ptez ptez 目前離線
註冊日期: 2002-10-08
文章: 890
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預設 各種 Forums 比較

小弟我架設過不下十種 Forums
不過到最後 我只選擇 IBF (Invision Board0 & PhpBB
兩者各有優缺 拿以抉擇
想拋磚引玉一下 聽聽大家的意見:


I somehow believe PhpBB is more popular than IBF.
However, they both have pros and cons.

For PhpBB:
Lot of stlyes to choose. (that's the best, than users don't have to spend much time to design it)
Stronge community. Lots of people using it, and can easily get help.

No sub-category
Default release doesn't support file uploading.
Default smiley are somehow ugly, not easily to find patch.

For IBF:
Support sub-category.
Support file-upload.
Smiley is cool.
Can modify posts easily.
Very hard to find suitable styles.


Personally, I like IBF.
However, if friends are asking me to help them install forums,
I'll choose PhpBB.

Because of the style thing....

How do you guys feel?