舊 2009-10-30, 07:14 AM
14881411 14881411 目前離線
註冊日期: 2009-02-19
文章: 20
預設 無法用Domain management 功能~~XD

我是在sedo上的賣家,今天早上起來想說把網域的標格壓低一點好了,進了sedo裡的"domain management"後,卻出現以下畫面:
Unfortunately, we could not reach you at this email address.

To enable you to have continued unrestricted access to your Sedo account, we need your up-to-date email address. Please ensure that you are available at that address.

請問這是什麼意思啊?? 我現在該怎麼作呢?? 附帶一提,我是用pchome的email來註冊sedo的,是因這樣的關係嗎??

此篇文章於 2009-10-30 07:19 AM 被 14881411 編輯。